

Our desire is to partner with families to guide children to grow spiritually.

We want to do that by providing resources to our parents:

Allstars Kids Club

Looking for songs that teaches you about God. Go to Allstars Kids Club and sing praises to God.


Bible Games Central

Looking for fun and Christian games to play with your kid or use during Sunday school classes, go to Bible Games Central


Bible Project

Let’s study the Bible together. Bible Project provides videos and articles with insightful teachings of the Bible.



The Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec has a website dedicated for children. Check out their resources.

CBOQ Children and Family Ministries exists to serve God by developing and mobilizing frontline children and family ministry leaders across Ontario and Quebec in partnership with Christian family agencies in engaging children and empowering families to reach their God-given potential.”


Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) – Kids Care

Kids Care provides Biblical teaching and activities suitable for children.

A great resource to teach children about God and how to respond to God’s love.


Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)

Child Evangelism Fellowship provides Biblical teaching and songs suitable for children.

CEF has launch U-Nite TV where you can watch Bible lessons, sing songs, and others.


Children’s Ministry Magazine

You can now download for free! Group Canada offers a free Children’s Ministry magazine. They come with practical and relevant ministry ideas to help you lead kids to Jesus!

For more information, please go to

Crossroads Kids Club

Crossroads Kids Club provides ideas so families can grow together in Christ. 


Douglas Talk

Join Douglas and learn more about the Bible from these videos.

“Douglas is a curious green puppet who loves to help parents and teachers explain Biblical truths to their kids in a way that’s fun and easy to understand.”


Focus on the Family

When you subscribe to the mailing list of Focus on the Family, they will mail you a magazine. This magazine contains helpful information about parenting, marriage, discipline, and many other topics.

For more information about Focus on the Family, please go to

Free Bible Images

Looking for Bible images or videos to use to tell Bible stories, go to Free Bible Images.  


Grow Curriculum

Looking for free VBS curriculum or more children friendly games, go to Grow Curriculum.


Keys for Kids Devotional

Every three months, your child can pick up a new devotional book called Keys for Kids. These books are filled with stories that translate Biblical truths into our daily reality.

For more information about Keys for Kids, please go to

Kids of Integrity 

The Kids of Integrity website has many resources parents/teachers can use to teach kids about Integrity.

For more information, please go to

Lifeway – Gospel Project at Home

Join Lifeway – Gospel Project at Home and learn more about God. Watch the videos and do the activities with your children at home.


Open Life.Church Resources

Life.Church has kindly open its resources to other churches: “offered every ministry resource—like sermon notes, message series, kids lessons, worship, and more—for free to every church. The goal: to give you the resources you need to reach the people in your community that God has called you to reach.”


Redeem TV

Are you looking for Christian shows and movies for your children?

“Redeem TV is able to offer family-friendly, uplifting content to people all over the world for free because of the generous gifts from our donors.”

To watch, go to

Seeds Family Worship

Praise God together as a family through songs and videos.

To watch, go to