Children Ministry Prayer Items November 2023 兒童事工十一月禱告事項
1. Pray for Children Mission on November 26th, may God use the speaker to share the gospel to children, pray that we can invite more people to know about God.
為11月26日的兒童宣教事工禱告, 願神使用講員向孩子們分享福音, 為我們能邀請更多的人認識神禱告。
2. Pray for November 25th Sonlight Bundles, we will be doing Bible study, pray that children will understand God’s words deeper.
為 11 月 25 日 Sonlight Bundles 兒童團契禱告, 我們將會查考聖經,願孩子們可以深入理解神的話語。